The Market

    Outcast 7.6

    Players Online: 408


Name: Bovice
Level: 2426
Magic Level: 14
Vocation: Elite Knight
Gender: Male
Last Login: 11th April 2023 01:13
Guild membership: Ball Choppa of The Anunnaki Connection ()
Hours spent online: 4862
Days spent online (Age): 203

Current Amount Of Frags: 0
Total Amount Of Kills: 10
Total Amount Of Deaths: 608

Fist Fighting: 24
Club Fighting: 48
Sword Fighting: 82
Axe Fighting: 132
Distance Fighting: 39
Shielding: 164

Fisher Out: 6/7/2021

2022.05.14 02:31:37 Killed at level 2397 by Incan Draconis
2022.05.14 05:14:41 Killed at level 2397 by Demon
2022.05.22 21:37:47 Killed at level 2400 by Lily the Samoyed
2022.05.23 23:54:22 Killed at level 2400 by Incan Draconis
2022.05.29 21:37:28 Killed at level 2405 by Bermudan Draconis
2022.05.29 22:28:27 Killed at level 2409 by Achernar X
2022.06.01 04:37:42 Killed at level 2414 by Bermudan Draconis
2022.06.05 21:31:18 Killed at level 2417 by Procyon
2022.07.03 21:35:18 Killed at level 2420 by Procyon X
2022.07.03 22:21:14 Killed at level 2420 by Andromeda Draconis
2022.07.04 21:42:35 Killed at level 2420 by Holy Knight
2022.07.04 22:21:21 Killed at level 2422 by Mad Cow
2022.07.04 22:30:03 Killed at level 2422 by Orbithrax X
2022.07.06 02:45:15 Killed at level 2423 by Morgaroth
2023.02.12 21:31:37 Killed at level 2426 by Procyon X