The Market

    Outcast 7.6

    Players Online: 319


Newest Deaths & Kills

Kills & Deaths since Wednesday evening: 672

a hypergiant has killed Magic is true at level 1636.

an achernar has killed Infinity at level 3870.

an olmec draconis has killed Ugh as if at level 534.

a nibiru draconis has killed Shotgun Facelift at level 5455.

a nibiru draconis has killed Attila at level 4095.

an incan draconis has killed Magic is true at level 1636.

a bermudan draconis has killed Gambit at level 529.

a bermudan draconis has killed Gambit at level 525.

a giganticus arachnid has killed Ensiferum at level 1836.

a krampus has killed Ugh as if at level 533.

an elder ophiuchus has killed Deba Master at level 5134.

a bermudan draconis has killed Asper Healer at level 1100.

a rhegglaahk has killed Infinity at level 3863.

a vega draconis has killed Magic is true at level 1636.

a white ripper has killed Latata at level 3939.

a methuselah ophiuchus has killed Tavi at level 6236.

a vermithrax has killed Resurrection at level 1563.

a la gargouille has killed Lucifers Son at level 6700.

a la gargouille has killed Infinity at level 3863.

a baby lily has killed Extodus at level 3003.

a baby lily has killed Speedy of Flames at level 2708.

a landvaettir has killed Questciarz jeden at level 706.

an orionis has killed Latata at level 3938.

a juggernite has killed Winz at level 7935.

an orionis has killed Resurrection at level 1563.

a lily the samoyed has killed Deba Master at level 5134.

a juggernite has killed Negativ at level 4931.

a juggernite has killed Friend at level 5218.

a juggernite has killed Sugga Nugga at level 5760.

a juggernite has killed Fisoes at level 6530.

a juggernite has killed Jormatson at level 4470.

a juggerlady has killed Winz at level 7935.

a juggerlady has killed Fisoes at level 6530.

a juggerlady has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3465.

a juggerlady has killed Jormatson at level 4470.

a juggerlady has killed Latata at level 3938.

a juggerlady has killed Extodus at level 3002.

a juggerlady has killed Lucifers Son at level 6700.

an orionis has killed Resurrection at level 1563.

a juggernite has killed Lucifers Son at level 6700.

a juggernite has killed Negativ at level 4931.

a juggernite has killed Infinity at level 3862.

a juggernite has killed Jormatson at level 4470.

a juggernite has killed Latata at level 3938.

a juggernite has killed Extodus at level 3002.

a juggernite has killed Friend at level 5218.

a juggernite has killed Speedy of Flames at level 2708.

a juggernite has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3465.

a juggernite has killed Attila at level 4085.

a juggernite has killed Sugga Nugga at level 5760.

a rhegglaahk has killed Raptera at level 1417.

a rhegglaahk has killed Aionfire at level 1565.

a rhegglaahk has killed Sugga Nugga at level 5760.

a rhegglaahk has killed Raptera at level 1414.

an intergalactic hitchhiker has killed Aionfire at level 1562.

an intergalactic hitchhiker has killed Raptera at level 1414.

a cosmic draconis has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3463.

a cosmic draconis has killed Resurrection at level 1557.

a juggerman has killed Attila at level 4083.

an ancient tiger has killed Ugh as if at level 531.

a lacertae has killed Raptera at level 1412.

a lacertae has killed Latata at level 3936.

a juggerman has killed Aionfire at level 1560.

a juggerman has killed Extodus at level 2999.

a juggerman has killed Negativ at level 4929.

a greythorn draconis has killed Raptera at level 1412.

a black widow has killed Sugga Nugga at level 5758.

a juggerman has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3463.

a juggerman has killed Resurrection at level 1556.

a juggerman has killed Friend at level 5215.

a juggerman has killed Lucifers Son at level 6698.

a procyon has killed Tavi at level 6235.

a cygnus has killed Sugga Nugga at level 5758.

a cygnus has killed Winz at level 7932.

a cygnus junior has killed Tavi at level 6235.

a cygnus junior has killed Magic is true at level 1634.

a vermithrax x has killed Ensiferum at level 1836.

a baby lily has killed Sugga Nugga at level 5757.

a baby lily has killed Bitteretap at level 2263.

a black ripper has killed Ensiferum at level 1834.

a baby lily has killed Sugga Nugga at level 5756.

a baby lily has killed Lucifers Son at level 6693.

a baby lily has killed Ensiferum at level 1825.

a baby lily has killed Extodus at level 2981.

a baby lily has killed Fisoes at level 6524.

a cobratron has killed Ensiferum at level 1825.

a cobratron has killed Aionfire at level 1523.

a cobratron has killed Latata at level 3924.

a juggerman has killed Magic is true at level 1602.

a cobratron has killed Ensiferum at level 1825.

a cobratron has killed Extodus at level 2980.

a juggerman has killed Attila at level 4069.

a cobratron has killed Raptera at level 1363.

a cobratron has killed Sugga Nugga at level 5752.

a cobratron has killed Ensiferum at level 1824.

a juggerman has killed Negativ at level 4919.

a cobratron has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3445.

a cobratron has killed Resurrection at level 1526.

a cobratron has killed Speedy of Flames at level 2687.

a juggerman has killed Attila at level 4068.

a juggerman has killed Sugga Nugga at level 5752.

a juggerman has killed Magic is true at level 1601.

a juggerman has killed Latata at level 3923.

a juggerman has killed Zoetetap at level 3716.

a juggerman has killed Infinity at level 3841.

a juggerman has killed Friend at level 5206.

a juggerman has killed Ensiferum at level 1824.

a vladracula has killed Raptera at level 1363.

a juggerman has killed Aionfire at level 1521.

a juggerman has killed Resurrection at level 1526.

a juggerman has killed Attila at level 4068.

a juggerman has killed Jormatson at level 4453.

a cobratron has killed Infinity at level 3841.

a war elephant has killed Magic is true at level 1601.

a cobratron has killed Sugga Nugga at level 5752.

a vladracula has killed Latata at level 3923.

a cobratron has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3445.

a war elephant has killed Ensiferum at level 1824.

a slicetron has killed Resurrection at level 1526.

a slicetron has killed Raptera at level 1363.

a slicetron has killed Ensiferum at level 1824.

a cobratron has killed Extodus at level 2980.

a war elephant has killed Aionfire at level 1521.

a juggerman has killed Tavi at level 6229.

a cobratron has killed Negativ at level 4919.

a juggerman has killed Friend at level 5206.

a slicetron has killed Slow at level 3489.

a cobratron has killed Sugga Nugga at level 5752.

a cobratron has killed Ensiferum at level 1824.

a slicetron has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3445.

a war elephant has killed Sugga Nugga at level 5752.

a war elephant has killed Ensiferum at level 1824.

a war elephant has killed Sugga Nugga at level 5752.

a slicetron has killed Ensiferum at level 1824.

a slicetron has killed Zoetetap at level 3716.

a war elephant has killed Resurrection at level 1525.

a slicetron has killed Sugga Nugga at level 5752.

a greythorn draconis has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3444.

a the crafty has killed Zoetetap at level 3713.

a the crafty has killed Extodus at level 2974.

a the crafty has killed Latata at level 3921.

a cosmic draconis has killed Infinity at level 3837.

a cosmic draconis has killed Raptera at level 1340.

a the crafty has killed Jormatson at level 4451.

a the crafty has killed Aionfire at level 1511.

a the crafty has killed Slow at level 3488.

a the crafty has killed Ensiferum at level 1820.

a cosmic draconis has killed Resurrection at level 1517.

a cosmic draconis has killed Magic is true at level 1589.

a the crafty has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3442.

a cosmic draconis has killed Sugga Nugga at level 5750.

an achernar has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3441.

an achernar has killed Sugga Nugga at level 5749.

an achernar has killed Ensiferum at level 1808.

an achernar has killed Raptera at level 1297.

an achernar has killed Tavi at level 6225.

an achernar has killed Raptera at level 1297.

an achernar has killed Sugga Nugga at level 5748.

a vermithrax has killed Ensiferum at level 1805.

an orbithrax has killed Ensiferum at level 1805.

a war elephant has killed Resurrection at level 1496.

a slicetron has killed Raptera at level 1283.

a war elephant has killed Magic is true at level 1553.

a war elephant has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3432.

a slicetron has killed Ensiferum at level 1805.

a slicetron has killed Extodus at level 2966.

a war elephant has killed Sugga Nugga at level 5747.

a slicetron has killed Resurrection at level 1496.

a war elephant has killed Raptera at level 1283.

a slicetron has killed Magic is true at level 1553.

a slicetron has killed Extodus at level 2966.

a slicetron has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3432.

a slicetron has killed Magic is true at level 1553.

a slicetron has killed Sugga Nugga at level 5747.

a slicetron has killed Ensiferum at level 1805.

a war elephant has killed Extodus at level 2966.

a rhegglaahk has killed Raptera at level 1283.

a blackbeard has killed Fisoes at level 6515.

a rhegglaahk has killed Resurrection at level 1494.

an awilda has killed Winz at level 7924.

a cobratron has killed Ensiferum at level 1803.

a cobratron has killed Magic is true at level 1547.

a cobratron has killed Latata at level 3917.

a cygnus has killed Magic is true at level 1546.

a cygnus has killed Sugga Nugga at level 5746.

a cobratron has killed Infinity at level 3823.

a juggerman has killed Resurrection at level 1492.

a juggerman has killed Slow at level 3487.

a cobratron has killed Fisoes at level 6514.

a juggerman has killed Attila at level 4050.

a juggerman has killed Sugga Nugga at level 5746.

a juggerman has killed Friend at level 5194.

a juggerman has killed Fisoes at level 6514.

an achernar x has killed Negativ at level 4905.

an achernar x has killed Latata at level 3914.

an achernar x has killed Speedy of Flames at level 2679.

a berserker lion has killed Magic is true at level 1539.

an achernar x has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3425.

a juggerman has killed Friend at level 5194.

a juggerman has killed Fisoes at level 6513.

a juggerman has killed Infinity at level 3820.

a scabber has killed Tavi at level 6221.

a scabber has killed Sugga Nugga at level 5745.

a berserker lion has killed Fisoes at level 6513.

a cygnus junior has killed Resurrection at level 1483.

a cygnus junior has killed Slow at level 3483.

a cygnus junior has killed Sugga Nugga at level 5744.

a carniphilus toxicus has killed Zoetetap at level 3706.

a cygnus junior has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3420.

a cygnus junior has killed Tavi at level 6219.

a giganticus arachnid has killed Raptera at level 1209.

a juggerman has killed Latata at level 3910.

a juggerman has killed Aionfire at level 1441.

a juggerman has killed Ensiferum at level 1789.

a juggerman has killed Speedy of Flames at level 2674.

a juggerman has killed Resurrection at level 1475.

a juggerman has killed Infinity at level 3811.

a juggerman has killed Raptera at level 1209.

a juggerman has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3417.

a juggerman has killed Negativ at level 4900.

a juggerman has killed Extodus at level 2953.

a juggerman has killed Friend at level 5190.

a rhegglaahk has killed Winz at level 7919.

an achernar x has killed Shotgun Facelift at level 5446.

an achernar x has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3401.

an achernar x has killed Ensiferum at level 1771.

an achernar x has killed Tavi at level 6212.

a lacertae has killed Shotgun Facelift at level 5444.

an achernar x has killed Sugga Nugga at level 5735.

an achernar x has killed Friend at level 5181.

a procyon has killed Attila at level 4024.

a vermithrax x has killed Winz at level 7916.

an achernar x has killed Resurrection at level 1439.

an achernar x has killed Extodus at level 2934.

an achernar x has killed Infinity at level 3798.

an achernar x has killed Magic is true at level 1447.

an achernar x has killed Ensiferum at level 1764.

an achernar x has killed Shotgun Facelift at level 5444.

an achernar x has killed Winz at level 7915.

an orionis has killed Attila at level 4022.

a methuselah ophiuchus has killed Fisoes at level 6502.

a slicetron has killed Sugga Nugga at level 5733.

a war elephant has killed Shotgun Facelift at level 5443.

a cygnus has killed Sugga Nugga at level 5733.

an achernar x has killed Ensiferum at level 1762.

a cygnus has killed Extodus at level 2927.

an achernar x has killed Aionfire at level 1400.

a war elephant has killed Shotgun Facelift at level 5442.

a cygnus has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3390.

a cygnus has killed Jormatson at level 4414.

a war elephant has killed Infinity at level 3793.

a cygnus has killed Lucifers Son at level 6673.

an achernar x has killed Attila at level 4020.

a slicetron has killed Friend at level 5176.

a slicetron has killed Tavi at level 6208.

a slicetron has killed Sugga Nugga at level 5733.

a cygnus has killed Fisoes at level 6501.

a cygnus has killed Magic is true at level 1423.

a cygnus has killed Ensiferum at level 1760.

a cygnus has killed Raptera at level 1118.

a cygnus has killed Extodus at level 2926.

a cygnus has killed Speedy of Flames at level 2658.

a vermithrax x has killed Attila at level 4019.

a cygnus has killed Sugga Nugga at level 5733.

a cygnus has killed Magic is true at level 1423.

an achernar has killed Ensiferum at level 1760.

an orbithrax has killed Raptera at level 1118.

an achernar has killed Ensiferum at level 1759.

a zeta doradus has killed Winz at level 7913.

a zeta doradus has killed Fisoes at level 6499.

a cobratron has killed Shotgun Facelift at level 5437.

a cobratron has killed Lucifers Son at level 6669.

a slicetron has killed Attila at level 4012.

a cobratron has killed Extodus at level 2917.

a slicetron has killed Ensiferum at level 1756.

a slicetron has killed Magic is true at level 1399.

a cobratron has killed Latata at level 3884.

a cobratron has killed Jormatson at level 4406.

a slicetron has killed Friend at level 5174.

a cobratron has killed Raptera at level 1058.

a war elephant has killed Zuretap at level 5814.

a slicetron has killed Shotgun Facelift at level 5437.

a cobratron has killed Extodus at level 2917.

a slicetron has killed Zoetetap at level 3683.

a slicetron has killed Resurrection at level 1414.

a cobratron has killed Tavi at level 6204.

a slicetron has killed Infinity at level 3783.

a cobratron has killed Negativ at level 4879.

a cobratron has killed Magic is true at level 1399.

a slicetron has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3378.

a slicetron has killed Ensiferum at level 1756.

a war elephant has killed Jormatson at level 4406.

a war elephant has killed Lucifers Son at level 6669.

a cobratron has killed Attila at level 4012.

a cobratron has killed Fisoes at level 6498.

a juggerman has killed Sugga Nugga at level 5729.

a lacertae has killed Raptera at level 1058.

an orionis has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3377.

a cygnus has killed Ensiferum at level 1755.

a cygnus has killed Aionfire at level 1354.

a cygnus has killed Zuretap at level 5814.

a cygnus has killed Extodus at level 2917.

an orionis has killed Zoetetap at level 3683.

a lacertae has killed Friend at level 5174.

a cygnus has killed Lucifers Son at level 6669.

a cygnus has killed Fisoes at level 6498.

an achernar has killed Ensiferum at level 1755.

a craak yetiroth has killed Fisoes at level 6497.

a cyclip has killed Fisoes at level 6497.

a canopus doradus has killed Winz at level 7910.

a canopus doradus has killed Raptera at level 1019.

a sky rider knight has killed Aionfire at level 1338.

a red ripper has killed Ensiferum at level 1753.

a wizard of gamma has killed Zoetetap at level 3679.

a wizard of gamma has killed Magic is true at level 1356.

a craaktron yetiroth has killed Ensiferum at level 1753.

a hypergiant has killed Speedy of Flames at level 2654.

a craaktron yetiroth has killed Resurrection at level 1404.

an orbithrax has killed Questciarz jeden at level 706.

a hypergiant has killed Jormatson at level 4401.

a canopus doradus has killed Calavera at level 2950.

a canopus doradus has killed Hekaton at level 893.

a cygnus has killed Magic is true at level 1348.

a cygnus has killed Ensiferum at level 1749.

a cygnus has killed Zoetetap at level 3677.

a cygnus has killed Attila at level 4002.

a slicetron has killed Magic is true at level 1339.

a cobratron has killed Winz at level 7909.

a cobratron has killed Fisoes at level 6496.

an achernar has killed Raptera at level 975.

a cygnus has killed Attila at level 4000.

a lacertae has killed Tavi at level 6198.

a cygnus has killed Zuretap at level 5809.

a cygnus has killed Raptera at level 964.

a cygnus has killed Infinity at level 3773.

a cygnus has killed Zuretap at level 5809.

a cygnus has killed Extodus at level 2901.

a cygnus has killed Magic is true at level 1329.

a cygnus has killed Resurrection at level 1386.

a vermithrax has killed Aionfire at level 1309.

an ubergiant has killed Raptera at level 938.

a procyon has killed Ugh as if at level 528.

a procyon has killed Ugh as if at level 528.

a vermithrax has killed Ugh as if at level 526.

a helarctos has killed Ugh as if at level 526.

a the crafty has killed Tavi at level 6196.

a lily has killed Ugh as if at level 526.

a babylonian draconis has killed Tavi at level 6196.

a vermithrax has killed Ugh as if at level 526.

a lily the samoyed has killed Ugh as if at level 520.

a lily the samoyed has killed Slow at level 3478.

a demon has killed Ugh as if at level 514.

a king aethelbald has killed Ugh as if at level 514.

an orbithrax has killed Ugh as if at level 507.

an orbithrax has killed Ugh as if at level 507.

an orionis has killed Ugh as if at level 507.

a cygnus has killed Slow at level 3478.

a cygnus has killed Extodus at level 2895.

a cygnus has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3356.

a cygnus has killed Ugh as if at level 471.

a cygnus has killed Ugh as if at level 471.

a vermithrax has killed Ugh as if at level 340.

a vermithrax has killed Ugh as if at level 340.

a vega draconis has killed Attila at level 3993.

a procyon has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3355.

an orbithrax has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3355.

Sugga Nugga (5723) has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3355.

Sugga Nugga now has 8 kills.

a rhegglaahk has killed Zuretap at level 5804.

an elder ophiuchus has killed Tavi at level 6195.

an achernar has killed Winz at level 7906.

a rhegglaahk has killed Winz at level 7906.

a giganticus arachnid has killed Deba Master at level 5134.

an orbithrax x has killed Attila at level 3992.

a rhegglaahk has killed Winz at level 7906.

a vladracula has killed Deba Master at level 5133.

a blackbeard has killed Winz at level 7905.

a procyon has killed Tavi at level 6194.

a canopus doradus has killed Mtwf at level 815.

a surphyre has killed Mtwf at level 815.

a vermithrax has killed Tavi at level 6193.

a babylonian draconis has killed Tavi at level 6193.

a vermithrax has killed Tavi at level 6192.

a procyon has killed Tavi at level 6192.

a nibiru draconis has killed Lord Sandstorm at level 7033.

a nibiru draconis has killed Deba Master at level 5132.

a nibiru draconis has killed Deba Master at level 5132.

a mayan draconis has killed Lady Evil at level 1538.

an achernar x has killed Mtwf at level 787.

an achernar x has killed Attila at level 3991.

an achernar x has killed Attila at level 3991.

an achernar x has killed Attila at level 3991.

an intergalactic draconis has killed Lord Sandstorm at level 7033.

an achernar x has killed Attila at level 3991.

an intergalactic draconis has killed Deba Master at level 5132.

an achernar x has killed Mtwf at level 787.

an achernar x has killed Mtwf at level 787.

an achernar x has killed Mtwf at level 787.

a cosmic draconis has killed Deba Master at level 5132.

a cosmic draconis has killed Lord Sandstorm at level 7033.

a mayan draconis has killed Lady Evil at level 1538.

a cosmic draconis has killed Deba Master at level 5132.

an incan draconis has killed Magic is true at level 1273.

a nibiru draconis has killed Shotgun Facelift at level 5427.

a nibiru draconis has killed Attila at level 3991.

a nibiru draconis has killed Jormatson at level 4390.

an incan draconis has killed Magic is true at level 1273.

an incan draconis has killed Magic is true at level 1273.

a wizard of visualis has killed Magic is true at level 1273.

a procyon x has killed Knight of ghost at level 917.

a procyon x has killed Knight of ghost at level 917.

a bermudan draconis has killed Achmed Assassin at level 1050.

an incan draconis has killed Magic is true at level 1272.

an incan draconis has killed Magic is true at level 1272.

an incan draconis has killed Magic is true at level 1272.

an intergalactic draconis has killed Infinity at level 3767.

an intergalactic draconis has killed Jormatson at level 4389.

an incan draconis has killed Magic is true at level 1272.

a nibiru draconis has killed Jormatson at level 4389.

a cosmic draconis has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3354.

Mtwf (784) has killed Fyah Kings at level 393.

Mtwf now has 200 kills.

Infinity (3766) has killed Believe In Magic at level 232.

Infinity now has 0 kills.

Infinity (3766) has killed Believe In Magic at level 232.

Infinity now has 0 kills.

Believe In Magic (232) has killed Infinity at level 3766.

Believe In Magic now has 16 kills.

a hypergiant has killed Mtwf at level 783.

a demon has killed Achmed Assassin at level 1041.

a bullish has killed Achmed Assassin at level 1040.

an evil house elf has killed Mtwf at level 783.

a cosmic draconis has killed Attila at level 3990.

a cosmic draconis has killed Jormatson at level 4389.

an evil house elf has killed Achmed Assassin at level 1037.

an evil house elf has killed Mtwf at level 782.

a nibiru draconis has killed Attila at level 3990.

a nibiru draconis has killed Shotgun Facelift at level 5415.

a nibiru draconis has killed Infinity at level 3766.

a nibiru draconis has killed Jormatson at level 4389.

a nibiru draconis has killed Lord Sandstorm at level 7033.

a nibiru draconis has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3354.

a krampus has killed Overdozed at level 302.

a vermithrax has killed Fisoes at level 6493.

a visualis ghost has killed Ensiferum at level 1734.

an achernar x has killed Achmed Assassin at level 1035.

an achernar x has killed Achmed Assassin at level 1035.

an osiris has killed Achmed Assassin at level 1035.

an evil house elf has killed Resurrection at level 1363.

a procyon has killed Tavi at level 6192.

an incan draconis has killed Raptera at level 937.

an incan draconis has killed Aionfire at level 1299.

a procyon has killed Tavi at level 6192.

an incan draconis has killed Aionfire at level 1299.

an incan draconis has killed Aionfire at level 1298.

an incan draconis has killed Magic is true at level 1271.

a persian draconis has killed Porsas at level 390.

Tavi (6191) has killed Porsas at level 156.

Tavi now has 32 kills.

Tavi (6191) has killed Porsas at level 156.

Tavi now has 32 kills.

an elder ophiuchus has killed Tavi at level 6191.

Zuretap (5802) has killed Raptera at level 934.

Zuretap now has 0 kills.

a the crafty has killed Zuretap at level 5802.

a vermithrax has killed Shorty at level 1903.

a xarptor has killed Karlach at level 1646.

an orbithrax has killed Tavi at level 6190.

a craak yetiroth has killed Shorty at level 1902.

a dipthrah has killed Porsas at level 116.

a vermithrax has killed Shorty at level 1902.

a methuselah ophiuchus has killed Tavi at level 6189.

a hybrid has killed Magic is true at level 1271.

an andromeda draconis has killed Magic is true at level 1271.

a cosmic draconis has killed Infinity at level 3743.

an intergalactic draconis has killed Infinity at level 3743.

a lily the samoyed has killed Tavi at level 6188.

a procyon has killed Tavi at level 6188.

a morgaroth has killed Magic is true at level 1270.

a vermithrax has killed Tavi at level 6188.

an orbithrax has killed Tavi at level 6188.

an incan draconis has killed Magic is true at level 1270.

a shielded warrior has killed Lady Evil at level 1537.

a procyon has killed Tavi at level 6188.

a cosmic draconis has killed Jormatson at level 4373.

a cosmic draconis has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3322.

a cosmic draconis has killed Lord Sandstorm at level 7025.

a babylonian draconis has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3322.

a babylonian draconis has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3322.

a procyon has killed Tavi at level 6188.

an elder ophiuchus has killed Lord Sandstorm at level 7025.

an elder ophiuchus has killed Jormatson at level 4372.

a procyon has killed Jormatson at level 4372.

a babylonian draconis has killed Infinity at level 3740.

a methuselah ophiuchus has killed Tavi at level 6187.

a cobratron has killed Fisoes at level 6493.

an orbithrax has killed Jormatson at level 4372.

an orbithrax has killed Lord Sandstorm at level 7025.

a methuselah ophiuchus has killed Jormatson at level 4372.

a canopus doradus has killed Mtwf at level 781.

a bullish has killed Resurrection at level 1351.

a desposada malevola has killed Jormatson at level 4372.

a barracuda man x has killed Jormatson at level 4372.

an ubergiant has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3322.

a craaktron yetiroth has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3322.

a sky rider knight has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3322.

a surphyrion maximus has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3322.

a greythorn draconis has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3322.

a hybrid has killed Magic is true at level 1270.

a cosmic draconis has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3321.

a lily has killed Attila at level 3961.

an andromeda draconis has killed Mtwf at level 776.

a zeta doradus has killed Jormatson at level 4369.

an alpha doradus has killed Jormatson at level 4369.

an achernar x has killed Achmed Assassin at level 951.

a morgaroth has killed Achmed Assassin at level 950.

an elder ophiuchus has killed Jormatson at level 4368.

a vermithrax has killed Magic is true at level 1269.

a xarptor has killed Magic is true at level 1268.

a dragon lord has killed Daas at level 155.

a mayan draconis has killed Daas at level 154.

a cobratron has killed Infinity at level 3738.

a procyon x has killed Infinity at level 3738.

a cobratron has killed Infinity at level 3738.

a methuselah ophiuchus has killed Infinity at level 3738.

a red ripper has killed Ensiferum at level 1734.

a delphian draconis has killed Lil Windex at level 2369.

a vega draconis has killed Lil Windex at level 2369.

a noble warrior has killed Lil Windex at level 2368.

an olmec draconis has killed Achmed Assassin at level 934.

a demon has killed Stabil at level 365.

a sky rider knight has killed Speedy of Flames at level 2651.

an orbithrax has killed Tavi at level 6186.

a vermithrax has killed Tavi at level 6186.

a nibiru draconis has killed Shotgun Facelift at level 5399.

a nibiru draconis has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3321.

a nibiru draconis has killed Attila at level 3961.

a cosmic draconis has killed Attila at level 3961.

a nibiru draconis has killed Attila at level 3961.

a nibiru draconis has killed Jormatson at level 4368.

an orbithrax has killed Lord Sandstorm at level 7017.

a delphian draconis has killed Stabil at level 363.

a vermithrax has killed Mayhem at level 2064.

a lily has killed Pizda at level 2813.

a lily the samoyed has killed Shorty at level 1902.

a vermithrax has killed Karlach at level 1646.

an elder ophiuchus has killed Mayhem at level 2063.

an elder ophiuchus has killed Shorty at level 1900.

a holy knight has killed Flenstons at level 1039.

a vermithrax has killed Shorty at level 1900.

a vermithrax has killed Mayhem at level 2063.

a donkey rider has killed Knight of ghost at level 917.

a donkey rider has killed Knight of ghost at level 917.

a giganticus arachnid has killed Zuretap at level 5799.

a donkey rider has killed Knight of ghost at level 917.

a methuselah ophiuchus has killed Tavi at level 6186.

a rhegglaahk has killed Zuretap at level 5799.

a vermithrax has killed Zuretap at level 5799.

a vermithrax has killed Infinity at level 3737.

a nibiru draconis has killed Jormatson at level 4366.

a babylonian draconis has killed Naapurin Tiina at level 3318.

a canopus doradus has killed Knight of ghost at level 917.

a procyon has killed Tavi at level 6186.

a procyon has killed Tavi at level 6186.

an incan draconis has killed Magic is true at level 1268.

a donkey rider has killed Shorty at level 1899.

a noble warrior has killed Shorty at level 1898.

an elder ophiuchus has killed Infinity at level 3737.

a lily has killed Jormatson at level 4366.

a lily the samoyed has killed Attila at level 3958.

a lily has killed Lord Sandstorm at level 7016.

an achernar x has killed Infinity at level 3735.

an achernar x has killed Infinity at level 3735.

a babylonian draconis has killed Infinity at level 3735.

a vermithrax has killed Deba Master at level 5132.

a procyon has killed Deba Master at level 5132.

a procyon has killed Tavi at level 6185.

an incan draconis has killed Magic is true at level 1268.

a morgaroth has killed Magic is true at level 1267.

an incan draconis has killed Pizda at level 2811.

a mungrorath has killed Pixipower at level 820.

a persian draconis has killed Mtwf at level 770.

a cyclip has killed Mtwf at level 770.

a noble warrior has killed Pixipower at level 818.

a holy knight has killed Overdozed at level 270.

a nibiru draconis has killed Anwariko at level 5856.

a demon has killed Magic is true at level 1267.

a hypergiant has killed Magic is true at level 1266.

an orshabaal has killed Magic is true at level 1266.

an achernar has killed Infinity at level 3733.

a hypergiant has killed Magic is true at level 1266.

a sculptor has killed Overdozed at level 233.

a babylonian draconis has killed Infinity at level 3733.

an intergalactic draconis has killed Attila at level 3953.

an intergalactic draconis has killed Shotgun Facelift at level 5397.

an intergalactic draconis has killed Infinity at level 3733.

an orshabaal has killed Overdozed at level 208.

an achernar has killed Anwar at level 4363.

a cosmic draconis has killed Infinity at level 3733.

a rhegglaahk has killed Infinity at level 3731.

an achernar has killed Anwar at level 4362.

an achernar has killed Anwar at level 4362.

an achernar has killed Anwar at level 4362.

a hypergiant has killed Magic is true at level 1265.

a surphyre has killed Magic is true at level 1265.

an achernar has killed Anwar at level 4362.

an achernar has killed Anwar at level 4362.

an achernar has killed Anwar at level 4362.

an achernar has killed Anwariko at level 5855.

Infinity (3730) has killed Mtwf at level 769.

Infinity now has 0 kills.

an intergalactic draconis has killed Anwar at level 4361.

a procyon x has killed Infinity at level 3729.

a cobratron has killed Fisoes at level 6489.

a cobratron has killed Fisoes at level 6489.

a morgaroth has killed Mtwf at level 769.

an arctos has killed Mandrak Iskarion at level 1213.

an achernar has killed Anwar at level 4361.

a vermithrax has killed Anwar at level 4361.

a rhegglaahk has killed Infinity at level 3729.

an angel of death has killed Mtwf at level 768.

an achernar has killed Anwar at level 4361.

a vermithrax has killed Anwar at level 4361.

an achernar has killed Anwar at level 4361.

a vermithrax has killed Anwar at level 4360.

a cosmic draconis has killed Jormatson at level 4363.

a babylonian draconis has killed Infinity at level 3727.

a methuselah ophiuchus has killed Lucifers Son at level 6661.

a rhegglaahk has killed Anwar at level 4360.

a cosmic draconis has killed Jormatson at level 4363.

a methuselah ophiuchus has killed Tavi at level 6184.

a rhegglaahk has killed Anwariko at level 5854.

a cosmic draconis has killed Jormatson at level 4363.

a cosmic draconis has killed Novak Tankovic at level 6139.

a hypergiant has killed Mandrak Iskarion at level 1212.

a methuselah ophiuchus has killed Tavi at level 6183.

a rhegglaahk has killed Infinity at level 3727.

an incan draconis has killed Achmed Assassin at level 827.

an achernar has killed Shotgun Facelift at level 5394.

a rhegglaahk has killed Infinity at level 3726.

a cosmic draconis has killed Fisoes at level 6489.

a vermithrax has killed Fisoes at level 6489.

a methuselah ophiuchus has killed Tavi at level 6183.

an orbithrax has killed Tavi at level 6183.

an orbithrax has killed Tavi at level 6182.

an incan draconis has killed Mtwf at level 765.

a berserker lion has killed Ensiferum at level 1734.

a mayan draconis has killed Ensiferum at level 1734.

an achernar x has killed Amishmike at level 250.

an achernar x has killed Neature at level 375.

an olmec draconis has killed Neature at level 369.

a helarctos malayanus has killed Resurrection at level 1329.

a cobratron has killed Achmed Assassin at level 827.

an olmec draconis has killed Resurrection at level 1324.

a surphyre has killed Resurrection at level 1324.

a babylonian draconis has killed Infinity at level 3725.

an orbithrax has killed Jormatson at level 4363.

an orbithrax has killed Lord Sandstorm at level 7015.

a vermithrax x has killed Lord Sandstorm at level 7014.

a vermithrax x has killed Jormatson at level 4362.

Lord Sandstorm (7014) has killed Jormatson at level 4362.

Lord Sandstorm now has 25 kills.

a procyon x has killed Lord Sandstorm at level 7014.

a procyon has killed Lord Sandstorm at level 7014.

an elder ophiuchus has killed Lord Sandstorm at level 7014.

a cobratron has killed Jormatson at level 4361.

Lord Sandstorm (7013) has killed Jormatson at level 4359.

Lord Sandstorm now has 25 kills.

an achernar x has killed Jormatson at level 4357.

an achernar x has killed Lord Sandstorm at level 7012.

a nibiru draconis has killed Infinity at level 3725.