The Market

    Outcast 7.6

    Players Online: 407


Name: Pikaboo
Level: 1007
Magic Level: 105
Vocation: Master Sorcerer
Gender: Female
Last Login: 23rd May 2021 23:38
Guild membership: Soldier of Brothers of Exile ()
Hours spent online: 624
Days spent online (Age): 27

Current Amount Of Frags: 0
Total Amount Of Kills: 4
Total Amount Of Deaths: 150

Fist Fighting: 34
Distance Fighting: 24
Shielding: 35

2021.03.21 20:15:33 Killed at level 935 by Hurricanius
2021.04.11 21:52:43 Killed at level 961 by Orbithrax
2021.05.02 15:11:33 Killed at level 967 by Incan Draconis
2021.05.02 21:33:48 Killed at level 975 by Orbithrax
2021.05.04 06:47:54 Killed at level 975 by Wizard of Visualis
2021.05.09 21:35:33 Killed at level 985 by Orbithrax
2021.05.16 19:54:23 Killed at level 985 by Mayan Draconis
2021.05.16 21:36:50 Killed at level 995 by Orbithrax
2021.05.23 21:56:53 Killed at level 1000 by Sky Rider Knight
2021.05.23 22:06:54 Killed at level 1000 by Donkey Rider Lord
2021.05.23 22:45:33 Killed at level 1000 by Ophiuchus
2021.05.23 22:52:38 Killed at level 1000 by Morgaroth X
2021.05.23 23:17:22 Killed at level 1007 by Vermithrax
2021.05.23 23:21:07 Killed at level 1007 by Vermithrax
2021.05.23 23:38:45 Killed at level 1007 by Vermithrax